Monday, December 12, 2011

How do I become good enough for a basketball team?

I want to be on the basketball team next year for my school. My brother is on the B-Ball team, and is training me now. He's being super strict. His training started today, so I'm not so sure of what he has in for me. Does anyone have any suggestions?|||Start running a lot. I mean like 2 miles like 5 times a week. You need conditioning first. Then between your runs you could do Mikan drills.鈥?/a> These drills will help hone your offensive skills. Also practice mid range shots more than any other shot. Three point shots are fun to do, but limit practicing it. Your brother should be strict because coaches are that way. Also work on your side to side movement, the quicker your side to side movement is, the better defender you'll be. For tryouts though, endurance is critical, thats why you need to condition yourself with running. You should also lift weights a few times per week if you can. It is not imminent you do that, but it would help. Then you should also study offenses. Most teams run a variation of the Motion offense. There are so many sets for the motion offense though, just try to learn it before you get to the coaches.|||you probly suck at it so give up|||Practice|||practice makes perfect, put your heart into it, u also have to be playing for the love of basketball that would make u a better player, ure determination|||Practice|||Just practice. Get proper form for shooting. Don't just start shooting the ball at the hoop. Start out by just holding the ball in proper form and just shoot it straight up in the air. Do that until you get your form down pat. Then start taking shots real close to the hoop until you build up your strength and form.|||Train like hell. And try to join a team so you can play with people who will potentially be on your team next year. It's easier to make a team if you are already teammates with some people. They trust you more and work better together|||you have to be able to dribble the ball or even shoot the ball in the basketball goal...

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