Monday, December 12, 2011

How do you find out how many basketball hoops will fit inside your gym?

Im doing a math project and I need to find out how many basketball hoops will fit inside my gym. Whats the process I need to do to figure this out?|||Depends what is meant by "fit." Unless you can define your problem, you cannot hope to solve. So step 1 is define your problem. Step 2 is specify any restrictions. For example, you could line up hoops next to each other on the wall, but it would be unusable. So one restriction might be what minimum distance apart must they be (or how wide is a standard court could be helpful there.).

Then you might make other assumptions, namely that no matter how many hoops you have, in a crowded gym, people will not be running into each other. You may want to specify that no hoop shall be closer than x from a corner.

So until you can parametrize the problem including constraints, you do not yet have a problem to be solved. Perhaps there is some school althletics organization that has printed standards for some of these. Find them and cite them as part of your research.

Good luck.

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